Thursday, 17 September 2009

[Yak] St Brides (Mackerel, Pollack)

St Brides 12/09/2009
Time: 8.00am to 4.00pm.
Tide: HW-4 to HW+3. Neap tide.
Weather: Sunny, light breeze.
Sea: Choppy
Tackle & Bait: Usual feathers & lures
Fishing: Good
Comments: Water was surprisingly choppy for the calm weather. Plenty of mackerel about and the odd pollack off the rocks. Went out from St Brides and headed across to Martin's Haven and Wooltack Point. Hit some good mackerel near the point and off the haven. Went back towards Musselwick Sands hoping to land there for lunch as the tide was in and had cut the beach off. But it was full of people who had stayed there and had kayaks as well so I carried on up the coast and landed on some rocks that were sheltered. Really nice day out and the first for a while as the weather has been really bad again.

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