Monday, 14 July 2008

[Yak] St Brides (Mackerel, Pollack, Bass, Codling)

St Brides 13/07/2008
Time: 8.00am to 4.00pm.
Tide: LW-1 to HW+1. Neap, flood tide.
Weather: Calm, breeze picking up later.
Sea: Calm to start, slightly choppy later.
Tackle & Bait: Mostly lures. Briefly tried fish baits a few times but nothing.
Fishing: Slow. A lack of mackerel shoals. Bass and a surprise codling.
Comments: Lovely day out again. Sea was calm but became a little choppy later on. Towards HW the drift became quite fast and strong around Nab Head. There was a lack of mackeral shoals and I only picked up a few singles. Odd because the same places at the same tide had bags of them only a month ago. May be something to do with the rough weather recently. Nice to see bass running around. I broke a rod due to a snag - the 8 pound boat rod which was useless anyway as it wasn't stiff enough. Had a lot of small pollack but put them all back as they are not good eating unless a decent size. Stopped at Musselwick Beach for lunch and a break.

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