Thursday, 4 October 2007

Morfa Bychan (58 Mackerel)

Morfa Bychan 04/10/2007
Time: 11.00pm to 2.00pm.
Tide: HW-1 to HW+2. Neap tide.
Weather: Calm, sunny, light SW wind.
Sea: Calm.
Tackle & Bait: Feathers & live baiting.
Fishing: Mackerel for bait this weekend (conger hunting) and dinner.
Comments: Whitebait and mackerel stayed in the bay after HW and where still there when I left. Not biting the feathers as well as before. Tried live baiting from the pebble beach but the daft joey kept swimming in to shore. Leaving the live bait rod unattended is a pain as the line goes slack amd gets caught in the rocks. Line snapped in the end when I casted out - bubble float headed off into the bay never to return. Must have been a snag that had weakened the line.

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